The NYT published President Trump's taxes and the media went wild calling him Billion Dollar Loser
But Trump is forcing China to be a fair trading partner, which both Chuck and Nancy appreciate. Go figure!
Thanks for watching and praying!
NEW Q BOOK: “Q Anon, An Invitations to the Great Awakening” written by 12 Q patriots:
“The media’s favorite “hoax” is the Q Anon movement. Is it a joke? Is it dangerous? Who’s involved and how did it begin? A new book published by Monica Rix Paxon of Relentlessly Creative Books called “Q Anon, An Invitation to The Great Awakening,” explains it all—from the very first Q post right up until present day. Paxon has pulled together 12 Q decoders, bloggers, and video creators to give their unique perspectives on the movement. These top experts on Q will help you understand the plan, the players, and the irrefutable proof that Q and President Donald J. Trump are in reality draining the swamp, exposing the evildoers, and bringing them to justice.”
IMPORTANT VIDEO - History of Planned Parenthood, targeting minorities, link to satanism:
short Q video
Q posts:
Q explanation:
My interview with John Age March 14, 2019
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