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In several videos I have described my idea that the West should invite India to be its main ally in South-Asia. Since the Western world and India share core values like democracy and freedom, to me this looks like a logical alignment.
But lately, I am rather worried about the American approach towards India. Instead of getting closer to India, the USA is setting up trade barriers regarding import goods from India!
What is going on?
Well, I am not very good at politics. Nonetheless I want to share my 2 cents about this matter.
You see, I think America's behavior towards India can be explained by political motivations.
In 2020, Donald Trump wants to be re-elected. That means he wants to look like a tough guy, in order for the American people to vote for him. So that means trade tariffs for India! Even though the current trade tariffs that America imposed on India, are totally insignificant to the Indian economy.
But I think there is more than meets the eye.
I think these trade tariffs on Indian import products send a message to India: namely that India is next on America's hitlist.
All American administrations from the past 75 years, wanted the USA to remain the most powerful economy in the world. But as of the 1950's, the economy of Japan started to grow at a staggering rate. And the USA feared that Japan would take over as the largest economy in the world. But Japan got entangled in a deep economic crisis that it never really recovered from. At the same time the Soviet empire collapsed. Leaving the USA as the only true economic superpower on this planet.
But then the European Union emerged. Once, America thought that the EU would take over as the largest single market in the world. But the European Union got more and more divided. And now Great Britain even wants to leave the EU.
Then the USA's only competitor for economic world domination, was China. So the US developed a whole package of trade sanctions that slowly but surely started to damage the Chinese economy. And now, Chinese GDP growth is at a 28 year low.
So, who is now the next one on America's hitlist?
What is the next superpower that might be able to change the global balance of power? That is India!
And the economy of India has shown an abundant growth for many years now. The IMF predicts India to have a 7,5% GDP growth next year! So my guess is that the USA now sees India as their next competitor for global economic leadership. And that means that the USA wants India to slow down. The economic growth of India must be contained in order for the USA to stay on top.
If that is true, the current trade tariffs, as imposed on India, are just the first step of a broader trajectory of the USA, attempting to contain India's growth.
I hope my speculations are just exactly that; speculations.
And I hope they are not going to be true.
America attempting to limit the growth of the economy of India, is a colonial concept. Instead of trying to limit Indias growth, the USA should offer it a position as a major economic, cultural and diplomatic ally. The West and India should develop better relations based upon respect and equality. And these trade tariffs are exactly the opposite. Not happy!