
REPAIR A WIG SERIES | Replace Lace Closure | Ep2

REPAIR A WIG SERIES | Replace Lace Closure | Ep2 Welcome back to my channel, I collected a poll on my IG: @jonaeraenetta about the quality of my videos and EVERYONE requested that I add music and voiceovers to my videos. SO I did!

This is a wig maintenance series. In this video I will remove the lace closure from the wig without taking the whole wig apart!

In the other videos, I show you the next steps to get the closure replaced, as well as, tighten the tracks and add a new bundle to a wig.

My client has had this unit for over 2 years and it was time for a little TLC.

Hair -

Think Pretty LLC

Shop - Stop buying aliexpress and get REAL GREAT QUALITY hair for an affordable price with me.

This unit was handsewn and colored by me.

If you are interested in getting a wig made or how I make my wigs, Please let me know in the comments below.

Love you much and cannot wait to see you in the upcoming videos

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