Green Aventurine
Green Aventurine is one of our favorite garden crystals. It is often used in garden grids to ease the tension of stress on the environment.
Quartz Crystal
What isn’t Quartz Crystal good for? It’s no surprise that this high-vibrational, miracle stone is suited to facilitating garden growth like everything else it’s suited to.
Tree Agate
In order for things to grow, they must feel safe. Tree Agate lends Earth energy attuned to stability for a shield of protection that is conducive to growth.
With a built in energy of resistance and fortitude, Rhyolite is a crystal for those gardens that have to combat with severe or shifting climates.
Green Calcite
If your gardening thumb has always been a little more black than green, toss out those memories of past mishaps and reprogram your garden with Green Calciteand the energy of fertility.
Moss Agate
Thought of in ancient times as the gardener’s talisman, Moss Agate is a stone of birth, great for imbuing the energy of fertility, abundance and transformation on all living things that surround it. The journey of renewal is assisted with Moss Agate as it ushers stimulating Earth energy in for grounded prosperity.
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