
2 items effective spinal curative medicine

2 items effective spinal curative medicine In the medicine of spine cure, which has been handed down for thousands of years, traditional medicines have their own characteristics and treatment methods. It is the uses of medicinal materials that help his father have good health, long life and less illness. For more information, please refer to 2 effective spinal curative medicines below.

1. Medications for spinal diseases from lemon, grapefruit peel and mugwort:
 - According to Oriental medicine, lemon has a sweet and sour taste, calculated average, has the effect of giving birth only thirsty low and being pregnant, strengthening immune system, good antiseptic. And the grapefruit peel has a bitter, spicy, average effect, except for weathering, pain relief, non-toxicity, ... Besides, mugwort works to moderate blood pressure, relieve pain and treat joint and bone. Therefore, Post spinal curative remedy has a combination of 3 herbs that treat spine spine effectively, extremely safe. Cure spinal herbs with herbs.
- Preparation material: Dried grapefruit peel: 1 fruit Dried seeded lemon: 1kg Dried mugwort: 200 gr White wine: 2 liters Alum sugar: 200 gr.
- How to use: All the above materials bring gold stars and pour into the soil to cool. After that, put in a pickled jar. Every day, patients with spinal cord drink 1 small cup of this medicated wine, drinking it for a while will help overcome the pain and difficulty in movement.

2. The medicine for treating spine with chicken eggs and star fruit. Sour sour with chicken eggs are 2 easy to find ingredients. At first, you may feel strange why these two ingredients are related to normal healing. However, with the post-spinal cure medicine is very effective, you will not be able to believe it.
- Ingredients to prepare: Carambola: 1 Chicken egg: 1 fruit.
- How to prepare: Smash chicken eggs, remove the white and retain the yolk, then mix well with 1 star fruit juice that has squeezed water. Each day you drink 1 time and use continuously for 7 days will help reduce spine development


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