
Realize the One (Kozmik #Blues #Rap)

Realize the One (Kozmik #Blues #Rap) Mmmm-mm, uuuh-uh, oooo-oo, oooooh yeah...

So everybody in this world is suffering—
They don’t even know why.
It starts before their birth,
And continues till the day they die.

I thought that this was crazy
There has to be a way to get well.
Otherwise this great big world
Ain’t a whole lot better than Hell.

I traveled all around the world
Trying to get rid of the pain.
I tried medications, meditations
Then I went back and tried again.

Got my first taste of nibbana
In the winter of 1984
And it sure was good, but of course
it just made me want more.

Then Bhikkhu Ñanananda
Gave me the secret key
To stop this process of becoming
And get completely free.


Akaliko ehipassiko
Timelessness — just you come and see.
“Nibbana’s nonconceptual”
That’s what Ñanananda told me.

When Bhante socked it to me
I sat down in the front of his place.
That’s how I found Nibbana:
silence in unlimited space.

That’s not the end of the story;
In fact it’s really just begun.
Establishment on emptiness:
The only way to realize the One.


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