Repaint & Addon links in the text discription below!
Simulator: Lockheed Martin's Prepar3d
My Events Calendar - Events I intend to fly in.
Event: California Screamin'
Aircraft in use: PMDG Boeing 737NGX Base Package
Livery: Southwest Airlines Heart One
Flightbeam Minneapolis St Paul KMSP
Drzwecki Design - Chicago Airports
FTX Global Base pack
FTX Global openLC North America
Connection to vatsim via vPilot v2
Model Matching via FLAi
ActiveSky 2016 was used for all weather, this program injects Real time real weather including clouds, precipitation, temperatures, winds, turbulence etc into the simulator.
Facecam is a Microsoft Lifecam HD-3000
Screen Recorder software: OBS Studio
During flight, charts etc are displayed on screen in Firefox
No post-flight editing was done AT ALL!
My Computer specs are:
Processor: i7 8700
GPU: RTX2070
Ram: 16GB
Flight controls are:
CH Throttle Quadrant
CH Flight Sim Yoke and CH Pro Rudder Pedals given to me by Ies Apac
CH Yoke:
CH Pedals:
and a Saitek Cyborg EVO ambidexterous joystick configured for the left hand use