After Chad Wild Clay made WE ESCAPE PRISON via Underground Tunnel! Vy & Hacker Girl PZ4 are Trapped by Project Zorgo, Vy Qwaint created TRAPPED IN PRISON for 24 HOUR CHALLENGE with HACKER GIRL PZ4 (CWC & Daniel Help Us Escape Room), and Daniel uploaded HACKER GIRL ARRESTED! PZ4 FRAMED by Project Zorgo! on the Exposing Project Zorgo YouTube channel, we followed the GPS of PZ4 and watched the Project Zorgo YouTube video vlog announcing their computer virus experiment in real life! We tried to stop it using our spy ninja skills and ninja gadgets but it was a trap! We were tricked and Project Zorgo framed us. Hacker girl PZ4 and Vy Qwaint were arrested and put into an abandoned prison. Now, Chad & Daniel must find clues to break them out of the prison escape room by crawling through hidden underground tunnels and pass them the key to the escape room. There is a security guard searching for spies so they must sneak silently! We don't want to get chased or be challenged to a battle royale so we have to be true spy ninjas! I don't want to be stuck here for a 24 hour overnight challenge at 3am! Are these even real police or are they hackers undercover and disguised? Thank you for watching my PG entertainment family friendly comedy videos for kids in 2019!
Watch my friend’s awesome videos:
Morgz - Last To Sink Wins $10,000 - Challenge
Lucas and Marcus - I caught my twin brother texting my Girlfriend..
FaZe Rug - Last to Talk Wins $10,000 - Challenge
Grace Sharer - Opening Underwater Box Found in Pond Using Spy Gadget Technology! (Mystery Wheel Decides)
Team Edge - Paintball Marco Polo!! (We're Silly)
▶ CWC Monthly Box -
▶ CWC Shirts & Backpacks -
I'm Chad Wild Clay and you can hang with me here:
Most royalty free background music is from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here