
M68: Is it necessary to be a full-timer first, in order to become a freelancer? Yes, why not!

M68: Is it necessary to be a full-timer first, in order to become a freelancer? Yes, why not! Being a freelancer and charging $100 per hour, switching projects every few months and living in Bali, sounds like a dream for many programmers. But the question is, how to get there? Where can one get experience and training? It seems that the only way to learn to programme is to work somewhere as a full-timer? Yes, why not. Most of you will remain full-timers, but some of you will become freelancers. Those two categories will co-exist on the market.

To be a great freelancer you need a different resume, which I explained here Also, you may like this blog post about that:

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#programming #freelance #fulltime


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