
Knowledge and the Afterlife Pt 1 - Can Knowledge Affect What Happens To Us When We die?

Knowledge and the Afterlife Pt 1 - Can Knowledge Affect What Happens To Us When We die? "When someone talks about 'ghosts', the first thing that comes to mind is the 'paranormal'. While this is generally accurate, as it defies our understanding of what is normal, it wasn't always the case.
Long before we had shows like Ghost Hunters and The Dead Files, things of a ghostly nature were just naturally agreed as being part of the 'occult'.
So, what changed?

First, let us discuss what the occult is.

The word, 'Occult', means, 'That which is hidden'. When someone talks about the occult, what comes to your mind? Witches, maybe? Satanic rituals? Would you be surprised if I told you that 'hypnotism' is also part of the Occult?
It's apparent that the common use of the term 'Occult', as it relies heavily on the one who experiences it because what's hidden to one person might be understood by another, is completely arbitrary.

Now, it would seem that spirits are 'hidden'. So, why don't people recognize the practice of paranormal investigation as being an occult practice?

Very few scientists will accept the idea that a part of us continues on after death. This is because these forces aren't understood by the 5 senses, on which scientists rely for all knowledge. However, there are some scientists who are curious and interested in such knowledge. These curious few have invented devices that allow these hidden forces to be perceived by one of the 5 senses. But, then, it's no longer 'hidden' it?
Therefore, it seems, spirits have graduated from the occult to merely the paranormal, or the 'unknown'. (Although, technically, still the occult).

Man Fears What He Doesn't Understand.

All forces are hidden from those who haven't studied them. What's a mystery to one who lacks knowledge is obvious to the one who understands.
Many of our modern conveniences would have been a mystery to our ancient ancestors. They might want to attribute our cell phones and internet to supernatural forces, but there is really nothing supernatural. Everything is governed by natural laws, even those things we don't currently understand.

Since these laws of nature aren't completely comprehended, any phenomenon that is outside what we currently know through science is deemed, 'paranormal'.

As with our ancient ancestors not wanting to travel to specific regions because of phenomenon they perceived as supernatural, modern man ventures into those same regions and makes them into his playground, because he's sure that he can solve the mystery.

Through knowledge and understanding we see that we can avoid any hidden danger, knowledge will show us either a boogeyman or a true monster. The first we will ignore, and the second we will avoid...unless we can make it in subjection to us.

Man's progress in life, and in death, depends upon knowledge. Only through knowledge can we understand our external environment.

The one who doesn't know how his body works will become ill, the one who doesn't know how to acquire or manage money will be poor...the one who doesn't know the law will likely lose his freedom.
The same is true for the spiritual.
Only with knowledge of spiritual law can we shape our spiritual environment, and enjoy spiritual contentment.

If we lack knowledge of our spiritual body, we will suffer morally...suffering that can follow us beyond the grave.
If we lack knowledge of the forces that govern our spiritual bodies, we will miss the opportunity to be whole with these forces and are likely to pass on in spiritual poverty.
If we pass on without knowledge of the laws of these forces which govern over the universe, we may then become lost, not having the knowledge to move on.

If there is an ethereal plane, spirits who are just out of our vision...just beyond our reach...maybe it's the lack of knowledge and understanding of exactly how our universe, and all the energy flowing through it, really works that prevents their ascension to the source?

Before we can find any truth, we must first look up at the universe and realize that we are nothing but energetic beings that came from the stars."


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Satougashi No Waltz

Paranormal,The Occult,Ghosts,The Supernatural,Lectures,Educational,Discussions,Reiki,Energy,Ethereal,

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