
Volcano Threat Level In California Has Been Increased To High By The U.S. Geological Survey

Volcano Threat Level In California Has Been Increased To High By The U.S. Geological Survey Volcano threat level in California has been increased to high by the U.S. geological survey. Recently scientists have been worrying about volcanoes in California.

Recently it's been announced by the U.S. geological survey that California’s volcanos could be about to erupt. According to a new study a volcanic eruption will most likely happen and if this is the case many people could be in danger.

The researchers have said that not many are aware of the potential danger of these volcanos. Throughout California there is seven active volcanoes that can be found. This new study is called the volcanic risk assessment from the U.S. geological survey. Although seven active volcanos can be found, the survey showed specialists that there's eight volcanic areas that fall within the 'moderate,' 'high,' or 'very high' threat range.

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Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!

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