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About Boom Beach
Boom Beach is a strategy game and combines attacks on other players with attacks against computer based bases. The game's story-line is set in a tropical archipelago with the player on an island with defences and troops (similar to the gameplay in Supercell's Clash of Clans game) Players can build their base, upgrading their defenses and other buildings, and unlock troop upgrades. Boom Beach includes single player campaign play as well as the ability to attack other players in multiplayer mode. It has been a top 10 game in 22 countries at its launch. The game pits the player vs. an enemy known as "The Blackguard" who are often represented by Lt. Hammerman. Apart from the main aspect of the game, there is also a cooperative form where you create task forces. Everyone must gather Intel (whether it be by surviving or ordering attacks, or by rewards), where then upper classed players then attack bases. Each attack lasts a day, with a varying amount of Intel in order to initiate, and the bases are separated from archipelago. (Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.)
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Head to Head Challenges!
Attacking YOUR NPC bases!
Mega Crab Event!
Defending against Hammerman!
Brawl Stars!
Track: Elektronomia - Summersong 2018 [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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