
Remarkable Spirit "Fireworks" Mel's visit with Mom and Dad

Remarkable Spirit We had just spent the week packing and cleaning in preparation for our move to our home in NH. The house was a mess & Cindy and I were both exhausted. It had been an incredible journey living in our house and raising three daughters over the last 20yrs. But now the kids were grown and off on their own...and it was time to scale down and slow down a bit. To better understand what his video is all about, you would need to understand our journey over the years. Maybe take a look at the numerous other videos, recordings and Ghost Adventures episode that have been posted over the last 13 years since our daughter Melissa transitioned to Spirit in 2004. We share these personal video's so that others can get a sense of what we have experienced as a family.

Life after death,Gary Galka,Melissa Galka,Spirit communication,Ghost adventures,

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