
NEW! Survival's End DINOS Rawr! They FOUND A Way! And I Stole This Deck! [Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links]

NEW! Survival's End DINOS Rawr! They FOUND A Way! And I Stole This Deck! [Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links] LIVE TODAY @2pm PST


Yay! New Dinos! Dinos are one of my favorite archetypes in the game, and I always get so happy every time they get new support. This time the new support being 'Survival's End' from the new Hassleberry Event! I struggled to play a viable version of this deck on the legend ladder, and I ended up having to use Dkayed's build, but if it's just the best you can't help it!

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ranked,pvp,duel,links,yugioh,meta,deck,tier 1,girl,best,japan,gunsblazing,duel links meta,dino,hassleberry,new,survival's end,

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