
Episode 56: What If My Kid is Different and Cannot Be Disciplined?

Episode 56: What If My Kid is Different and Cannot Be Disciplined? In this episode, I talk about ineffective parenting strategies being at the root for many parents with strong-willed kids. This is a very complicated and difficult topic because there is usually quite a bit of shame and blame on the scene. Being a parent is vulnerable. When you have the courage to get curious about WHY things feel so outta control in your household, well that’s when you’ll start to turn it around. Because trust me, I mean it when I say, I developed Mastermind Parenting specifically for these kids. The bonus is that Mastermind Parenting is effective with all kids - not just your most challenging one. Your situation will get better because you listened to this episode. This is step one.
Topics Covered:
-Strong-willed kids and what’s really going on with the dictator dance
-Shame/Blame/Vulnerability based on the work of Brene Brown
-Power struggles and what’s really going on
-Mastermind Parenting Pillar: All behavior is communication
-Dr. Ross Greene - "Kids do well if they can."
-Ineffective Parenting
-Marie Forleo - “Everything is figure-out-able”

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Tags strong willed kids,shame,blame,vullnerability,brene brown,dr ross greene,behavior,communication,ineffective parenting,marie forleo,

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