
Youtube's Pretend Therapist is Concerning | The Rewired Soul

Youtube's Pretend Therapist is Concerning | The Rewired Soul

Youtube's Pretend Therapist is Concerning | The Rewired Soul

The Rewired Soul is a guy who runs a mental health channel here on youtube. The Rewired Soul or Chris discusses relevant topics in the youtuber community and puts a psychologist spin on it. Making videos on Shane Dawson, Trisha Paytas, Bobby Burns, Jake Paul, etc. You would think The Rewired Soul would have some sort of credentials in the psychology field that makes him qualified to discuss people problems, but turns out he doesn't. In this video we will discuss and look into the true motives of The Rewired Soul and see if he truly if benefiting the mental health community.



Twitter: @Primink



Kati Morton:

The Rewired Soul:

Trisha's Response:

Bobby's Music Video:

Rewired Soul's Courses:

Rewired Soul's Books:

the rewired soul,trisha paytas,jason nash,the rewired soul trisha,the rewired soul bobby burns,bobby burns,the rewired soul tana,the rewired soul anxiety,kati morton,therapist,the rewired soul exposed,the rewired soul onision,the rewired soul shane dawson,shane dawson,trishaslife,blndsundoll4mj,exposed,mental health,documentary,anxiety,therapy,psychology,rant,primink,commentary,commentary channels,drama,dramaalert,drama channel,youtube drama,shane dawson drama,

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