
DM Leo, 04 - 19 Feb, Hurts like hell when you find out... so, what are you gonna do?

DM Leo, 04 - 19 Feb, Hurts like hell when you find out... so, what are you gonna do?

LEO 1 = 26 JULY - 02 AUG
LEO 2 = 3-10 AUG
LEO 3 = 11-18 AUG

Goldschneider, G.; Elffers, J. (1994). The Secret Language of Birthdays.


This reading will not resonate for everyone



1- Twin Flame. Like Adam & Eve. We all have a divine spouse. The Divine Masculine Soul is created, then his Divine Feminine is created next to him. WE ALL HAVE A TWIN FLAME. However, many of us are separated by lifetimes. I can confirm if your TF is alive in this life, or, I will let you know when he or she has passed away, or if he or she has not yet been born in this life. THIS IS NOT OUR FINAL LIFETIME. Not until all divine spouses are reunited & hell is no longer filled with Souls.

2. Soulmate. ANYONE CAN BE YOUR SOULMATE, including your own parents & blood relatives. "Mate" means "friend" NOT "lover". Yes, we have intimate relations in the Afterlife, but we do not reproduce when we are there. "Mate" implies sexual relations & procreation, but only in this life. In Heaven, we form tribes with our Mates, or, Soul-Friends. And we continue to educate each other, just like in this life, and keep each other company between each life.

3. Karmic. WE ARE ALL KARMIC. Those who have no past-life connection (all Soulmates have a past-life connection) can actually become Soulmates, but only if they succeed in evolving together. Those who become friends or lovers of other Karmics are drawn to each other because they actually share similar Karmic challenges, and they must work together to become better people, and eventually, Soulmates. Karmics will only have an "attachment" to each other, however, it can become a "connection" when they BOTH (not just one person) forms a deeper Soulmate bond. Please be mindful that "Karma" is both good & evil, so, "Karmic" does NOT means someone is toxic. WE ALL HAVE GOOD & EVIL WITHIN US, YES, THAT MEANS YOU, TOO.


Here is what I offer:

*Free inquiry. Ask me if someone you like is Karmic, Soulmate, or, Twin Flame. Please be patient for my response since I get so many requests for this, up to 1 - 2 weeks.

*Emergency inquiry + up to 3 additional questions - $10
I will attempt to have your responses within a few days or sooner after I receive your request & you will receive a scheduled date after payment.

*Relationship reading - $60 ($80 add 3rd party).
I can also do this reading to help you manifest "the one" if you are currently single or want to compare your current partner with a new one. These readings are recorded & emailed to you; they're getting longer now, expect around 60 mins or more, depending on your situation. We're adding more emphasis on self-empowerment. You may have to wait up to a month or longer.

*Emergency reading - $100
I will attempt to have your reading done within a few days after I receive your request & you will receive a scheduled date after payment.

*24-hr Emergency reading - $200
Only reserved for very serious requests & you cannot wait any longer for answers.

*If you have additional questions about career or other topics, add $20/topic (this is already included in the Emergency readings). All topics will be covered in a single reading, so it will definitely be over an hour long. Also, once your reading is scheduled, you may send me unlimited questions to answer, preferably in a single list, up til the day prior to your reading. I will have those questions in front of me while I do your reading, so you can follow along.


For all Payments & Donations (thank you for donating :) copy + paste link below:


PayPal to

I only schedule readings upon receipt of payment.


Send inquiry to


Instagram - konigin_aliya
Twin Flame weekend readings can be found here!


Twitter @konigin00110100


Snapchat - koniginaly


Twin Flame blog -

divine masculine,Leo,DM,

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