
China's Awkward and Disconnected Youth

China's Awkward and Disconnected Youth

I feel incredibly sad for a large segment of the Youth of China today...

Stay Awesome China (My new documentary):
10% Discount code: STAYAWESOME

For Motorcycle adventures around the world, and a talk-show on two wheels go to ADVChina every Monday 1pm EST

China Sells it's morals and unbans rap:

For a realistic perspective on China and world travel from an American father and a Chinese mother with two half-Chinese daughters go to Laowhy86 every Wednesday 1pm EST

C-milk failed at being Chinese:

For a no-nonsense on the street look at Chinese culture and beyond from China’s original YouTuber, join SerpentZA on Friday at 1pm EST

China's Golden age is over:

If you missed Conquering Northern China:

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