


What up there Supreme fam – it’s your host Matty Willz back with another epic episode from your favorite entertainment channel on YouTube – Top Supreme! Today we’ll be exploring some of the most mysterious and uncommon events happening in or around trees or forests with the title – This is the Greatest Discovery Found in the Woods!
10 The Missing Indonesian Sword
Ok now check this out – this footage was shot out in Indonesia where we have a group of guys out looking for a mythical sword. Unfortunately, there isn’t much information available as the clip was shot in a different language, but you can clearly see a group of men following the man in the skinny jeans and the jean jacket. He performs a variety of moves as he starts to – what it appears - track down and locate this specific weapon that has everyone so enthralled. After several minutes of performing his moves and searching for the object, he finally pulls something up from the brush near a set of rocks. They immediately douse the metal piece in water. It’s not clear what the sword is, though – or what it represents - but it appears to be an extremely important artifact for this group. What do you think that could be?
9 The Toads of 2005
Let’s hop in our time machines for a few moments, shall we? – and take a trip back to the year 2005. We’re at a small pond in Hamburg, Germany – where one of the creepiest animal events ever recorded occurred. Toads were seemingly all over the place. Yeah, toads. And we’re not just talking about a few toads here and there – over 1000 toad carcasses were found – and some with their insides splattered all over the surrounding area. That’s wild, isn’t it? So – what was the reason for this highly unusual event? No conclusive reason was ever discovered – but scientists tend to lend to the idea that crows – very smart crows – had learned that the only thing worth eating on these toads, were their livers. So they just got straight to the point, in a manner of saying – and just plucked their livers right out of their bodies.
8 The Fallen Trees at Lake Quinault
Up next today we have a extremely mysterious event that just happened back in January of 2018, within the forests at Olympic National Park in the state of Washington. On the morning of January 27th a strong force of – something – knocked down over a hundred trees on the shore of Lake Quinault. 100 trees! Now, the original thought was that it must have been some super strong winds that came through the area overnight, although that was debunked almost immediately – as the weather data recovered displayed no oddities or anomaly’s occurring at all. So then, what could’ve happened to destroy this many trees in such a short time frame? Nothing conclusive was ever settled upon, so the question indeed begs to be answered – is there something more sinister in play out in the Pacific Northewest? Perhaps even, extraterrestrial?
7 The 700 Pound Snake
Now if you’ve been here before then you’ve heard it once or twice – but go ahead and take this next story with a grain of salt. Maybe even 2 grains. Ok, check this one out. In Proctor, South Carolina, about 6 years ago, there was a claim of an enormous 700-pound snake that was recovered from a lake. And listen, the fact that this animal was said to be 700 pounds is one thing, but the added fact that they claim it was 98 feet long is something completely different! Can you imagine stumbling upon a 98-foot, 700 pound anything!? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Anyway, there is major skepticism online in regard to the authenticity of this story. For starters, there aren’t any known species of snake that grow to be 98 feet long. Not in 2019, anyway – and I’m pretty sure they weren’t growing that long back in 2013 either. Furthermore, the story is also told that this massive snake was actually killed b an excavation machine.
6 The Bioluminescent Mushrooms
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Background Music: [No Copyright Music] Mystery - GoSoundtrack
Ending Song: [No Copyright Music] Missing Someone (Vlog Music ) - Dj Quads :
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