
3 Ways To Be A Good Parent | Jordan Peterson 12 Rules For Life

3 Ways To Be A Good Parent | Jordan Peterson 12 Rules For Life

Jordan Peterson, in his book 12 Rules For Life, talks about how over time the advice on good parenting has changed often surrounding around the nature vs nurture debate and how much we should parent and set boundaries. In the 1800s a philosopher called John Jacques Rousseau popularised the idea that primitive humankind existed in a blissfully peaceful and non-aggressive state. He thought it was only modern civilisation that had driven human kind to evils. More recently it is believed that there are inherent aggressive instincts in people and it's important that parents act to restrain these in order for children to become upstanding members of society. Jordan Peterson believes that it's the responsibility of the parents to parent and set boundaries in order for their children to become reasonable and upstanding members of society. He feels that it is the duty of parents to raise likeable and rational adults. This requires sometimes difficult parenting and not being your child's friend the whole time but instead sometimes being tough and setting limits which may also be unpopular. This can be difficult but it's best to do it early with a loving and understanding parent instead of the child learning these lessons later in life from a less understanding person. Jordan Peterson offers 3 ways to be a good parent. The first is to limit the number of rules. Too many rules can lead to frustration. It's better instead to parent with a few simple principles. For example you may tell your children that unless it's in self defence they mustn't kick, bite or hit anybody. The 2nd tip is to only use as much force as is necessary when disciplining children. The punishment should be proportional to the wrong-doing and the punishment should fit the crime. The punishment should be just enough to make sure that the child won't do the wrong thing again. Sometimes very little is required. Another tip is to be a united force as parents. Where there are two parents involved it's important to both be on the same page and consistent with rules and punishments. Children can often try to manipulate one parents against another and parents working together can help combat this. Thanks for watching!
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