
The F-35 Just Proved It Can Take Russian or Chinese Airspace Without Firing a Shot

The F-35 Just Proved It Can Take Russian or Chinese Airspace Without Firing a Shot

An F-35B just carried out a remarkable test where its sensors spotted an airborne target, sent the data to an Aegis Ballistic MissiIe Defense site, and had the land-based outpost fire a missiIe to defeat the target – thereby destroying an airborne adversary without firing a single shot of its own. This development simultaneously vindicates two of the US military’s most important developments: The F-35 fighter jet and the Naval Integrated Fire Control Counterair Network (NIFC-CA). Essentially, the NIFC-CA revolutionizes naval targeting systems by combining data from a huge variety of sensors to generate targeting data that could be used to defeat incoming threats.

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