
Nature of NH - SB's Grantham NH Bird (and Occasionally Butterfly) Cam

Nature of NH - SB's Grantham NH Bird (and Occasionally Butterfly) Cam

Currently alternating (10 minute intervals) between hummingbirds and a Monarch butterfly that should emerge from its chrysalis within the next few days. As it nears emergence, the chrysalis goes from translucent green to completely transparent, showing more of the developing butterfly inside.
The Nature of NH Bird Cam is located in Grantham, NH in the Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region of New Hampshire. Roughly 25 minutes from Vermont and three hours from Montreal, Canada, the site receives charismatic and stunning summer residents like Ruby-throated hummingbirds, Eastern Wood Pewee, Great-Crested Flycatcher, and Ovenbird.
Winter visitors are just as spectacular, including Purple Finches, Red Crossbills, Common Redpolls, Pine Siskins, American Goldfinches, and Evening Grosbeaks.
Other birds often seen at or around the feeders--and adjacent heated birdbath--include Mourning Doves, Downy Woodpeckers, Hairy Woodpeckers, Pileated Woodpeckers, Blue Jays, American Crows, Black-capped Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, White-breasted Nuthatches, Red-Breasted Nuthatches, Brown Creepers, Golden-crowned Kinglets, European Starlings, American Tree Sparrows, Fox Sparrows, White-throated Sparrows, White-crowned Sparrows, Dark-eyed Juncos, and Northern Cardinals.
2016's highlight, before the camera was installed, was a two-day visit by a Northern Shrike. Barred Owls also spend many winter evenings perched atop the feeders waiting for mice and voles below.
The feeders are in a large backyard featuring mixed wet forest, a perennial stream, and a variety of natural food sources such as conifers, seed-producing birch and beech trees, and fruiting shrubs.
The full list of nearly 90 confirmed backyard residents and visitors follows:
Spring (SP)
Summer (SU)
Fall (F)
Winter (W)
*Flyover by migrant or nearby resident.
Canada Goose (SP, SU, F)*, Mallard (SP, SU, F)*, Wood Duck (SP, SU)*, Ring-necked Pheasant (W), Ruffed Grouse (YR), Common Loon (SP, SU)*, Great Blue Heron (SP, SU)*, Turkey Vulture (SP, SU, F)*, Bald Eagle (SP, SU, F)*, Sharp-shinned Hawk (YR), Cooper’s Hawk (YR), Red-Shouldered Hawk (SP, SU, F), Broad-Winged Hawk (SP, SU, F), Red-tailed Hawk (YR), Merlin (SP, SU, F), Killdeer (SP, SU), Mourning Dove (YR), Eastern-Screech Owl (YR), Barred Owl (YR), Common Nighthawk (SP, SU)*, Chimney Swift (SP, SU), Ruby-throated Hummingbird (SP, SU), Red-bellied Woodpecker (SU), Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (SU), Downy Woodpecker (YR), Hairy Woodpecker (YR), Pileated Woodpecker (YR), Northern Flicker (YR), Eastern Wood-Pewee (SP, SU), Eastern Phoebe (SP, SU), Great-crested Flycatcher (SP, SU), Eastern Kingbird (SP-SU), Northern Shrike (W), Red-Eyed Vireo (SP, SU), Blue Jay (YR), American Crow (YR), Common Raven (YR), Black-capped Chickadee (YR), Tufted Titmouse (YR), White-breasted Nuthatch (YR), Red-Breasted Nuthatch (F, W), Brown Creeper (YR), Golden-crowned kinglet (YR), Ruby-crowned Kinglet (SP, SU), Eastern Bluebird (SP, SU), Hermit Thrush (SP, SU), Wood Thrush (SP, SU), American Robin (SP, SU, F), Gray Catbird (SP, SU), European Starling (YR), Cedar Waxwing (YR), Bohemian Waxwing (W)*, Nashville Warbler (SP, SU), Northern Parula (SP, SU), Magnolia Warbler (SP, SU), Yellow-Rumped Warbler (SP, SU, F), Black-throated Green Warbler (SP, SU, F), Blackburnian Warbler (SP), Pine Warbler (SP), Palm Warbler (F), Blackpoll Warbler (SP), Black-and-White Warbler (SP, SU, F), American Redstart (SP, SU), Ovenbird (SP, SU), Common Yellowthroat (SP, SU), Scarlet Tanager (SP), American Tree Sparrow (W), Chipping Sparrow (SP, SU), Swamp Sparrow (F), Song Sparrow (SP, SU, F), White-throated Sparrow (SP, F), White-crowned Sparrow (SP, F), Fox Sparrow (F, W), Dark-eyed Junco (YR), Northern Cardinal (YR), Rose-breasted Grosbeak (SP, SU), Indigo Bunting (SP), Bobolink (SP), Red-winged Blackbird (SP, SU), Common Grackle (SP, SU, F), Brown-headed Cowbird (SP), Baltimore Oriole (SP), Purple Finch (YR), Red Crossbill (W), Common Redpoll (W), PIne Siskin (W), American Goldfinch (YR), Evening Grosbeak (W).

Birds,Bird Feeder,Wildlife,Nature,Conservation,New England,New Hampshire,Vermont,Canada,Grantham,Environment,Bird Watching,Birding,Live Stream,Feeder,Bird Feeder Cam,Nature of NH,#NatureofNH,Hummingbird,SB,

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